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Uro-Journal App

Test Tubes

Voiding and peeing habits are an embarrassing part of life at times, but youth patients often need to keep track of their habits. Young users resort to apps and tools designed for adults when not much is available for them. 

(Team of 2)

My roles were UX Designer, Researcher, and UI Design.

I worked with a colleague during the collaborative heuristic review of the prototype.



Roles & Team



6 weeks-2021

Medium Fidelity Prototype

Tech Stack Plan

Functional Requirements Document


User Surveys

User Journey Mapping

Comparative Analysis


Collaborative Heuristic review


Methods used



Project Cause

Timeframe & Deliverables



UX Process




The main kind of research I did for this project was through remote surveys of potential users. I found about 10 subjects who had used a fluid tracker in the past or had patient experience. I wanted to understand their behaviors, feelings, and habits while using health tracker apps. I made a comparative analysis to seize opportunities against competing products and app ideas. 





After conducting research, I came up with the following user personas to represent target users' struggles, feelings, goals, and more. 





Designing the app, I first came up with this user journey map based on the persona created. Afterward, I could visualize a process and site map for the users to follow. 

The diagram below shows the navigation and map of the app that I came up with.

The slideshow below shows the theme and some of the adjustments made before the final prototype was configured.


Before making any of the sketches above, I pieced together this functional requirements document for the app. It helped define what each element and control did so that developers and collaborators could easily understand the product. I also created something similar to re-position and reuse the site's content.


For the first version of Uro-Journal, I was able to receive feedback in a heuristics review. A colleague gave feedback on all of Nielsen's 10 usability heuristics and I was able to apply their feedback. 

White Background


Uro-Journal entry page
Uro-journal journal page
Uro-Journal home page



The end product for Uro-Journal was designed quickly. I was very proud of what new skills I applied and what I could further learn in Adobe XD. If I were to do this over I definitely would be re-assembling some of the elements and colors used. I would also include more detailed annotated wireframes that focus on each function instead of just the main few. 

What I learned

I learned the importance of having an actual problem and purpose for a project, rather than just creating something for fun. Something I would redo for this project is to make sure to conduct a prototype testing step. This would ensure that my product was usable and ready to be launched. It would also allow for improvements and edits to be made to this existing version. 


I was challenged with doing enough qualitative research for this project. Moving forward I will focus on doing in-person and open-ended interviews. This will allow for more useful feedback from screened users with relevant and previous experience. 

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